Showing 17–32 of 32 results
Milking Machine
Multi-Purpose Mobile Thresher
Multi-purpose mobile thresher makes straw from the harvested stem and makes the stem in to straw. With the duty a help and causes a clean grain storage. Grains like wheat, barley, oat etc. And legumes like beans, broad beans, chickpeas and lentils can be chopped by chancing of just a few apparatuses. It collects the crops into its hopper if the crops must bagged you will be able to bag them and also because of its own hydraulic lifting system you can deliver crops which are collected in to a hopper to a trailer. The straw is blown to tractor pulled at the back of the Bator type multi-purpose harvester the new type has been designed on the base of working in mobile conditions while it is chopping the product has the ability of delivering the cleaned grain in to its hopper so there is no need for collecting the harvested stem together and work it out stationery it now saves from labor and more important from time.
Potato Harvester
Machine is connected to the tractor’s three-point hitch, which is driven by its own wheel,The movement which is obtained from the wheel transmission is sent to the mechanism is transmitted from the moving belt bucket-wheel transmission mechanism. Potato tubes pass through the buckets on the band get the potatoes on them. Tubes with buckets only keep vibration mechanism is provided. Digging tubes with a scratch-standard distances left leg started. The scratch wings closed by the closure over the tubers. A marker assembly takes place on the machine which works by means of a hydraulic piston assembly on the machine.
Reversible traditional plow
Our product is designed to plow the subsoil to a depth of 8-14 inches and 15-20 inches laterally. The plow can easily work in rocky and stony areas covered with plant roots. The plow cannot be damaged when any kind of obstavle is easily removed in the field. Compliant with international standarts, the mounting system for our plows can be attached to any brand of tractor. The plow can be made from 2 to 6 moldboards. The upper part of the plow is made of a special material, the automation and the surfaces in contact with the ground are reinforced with a reinforcing system. The plow does not accumulate dirt and can be cleaned easily by scraping.
Rotary (Disc) Mower
Disc Mower Conditioner Type chops every type of grass herbs or different pasture plants with a high speed. The discs are very close to the ground, thus it raises the productivity. It crops the herbs in such a way that they can be dried and collected easily. It gets the move from the P.T.O. shaft and makes the chopping by the help of knives that are turning on the mower. The plant juice is collected from stem with the help of discs. The crop is harvested gently and neatly. The crop processed in the rotary disc is spread on the land bunchily as lines and groups. The drying of the top and bottom levels happen at the same amount of time with the help of air stream occurring because of these bunchy lines. The mowing unit is aligned with the tractor by rotating 90° vertically, so village alleys and bridge passes can be done easily. Helical plate rubber rollers are developed for mowing clover and crop with brittle stems. Rollers harmonize with each other perfectly and run without any vibration. Waxy layer is blown fully by means of the rollers. By this means, the drying time of leaf and stem are equalized.
Rotary (Drum) Mower
The Rotary Drum Grass Mowing machines are connected to tractor via three-point hanging system and get its drive from the PTO at 540 rpm and transmit to the drums through belt pulley. It is a grass mowing machine with free oscillated blades which are on the two drums rotating in reverse to each other with this system to cut green feed plants (clover, grass plants, barley, oat, etc.) being opened by the effect of centrifugal force and leave on the surface of the field in barrel state. The Drum Grass Mowers which are manufactured ideal for all sorts of the farms are designed to use with the tractors having lower and medium horse powers. Leaving the product on the ground in a better barrel state by means of the lower drums be able to rotate idle without damaging especially the wet and bent products using even a very low powered tractor is one of its features. The Grass Mowing machine is protected against the damages which may incur due to some roughness on the field. Thanks to the shock absorbing spring system available in the machine, the machine recovers the shapes according to the field and prevents the damages which the machine may encounter. Thanks to the hydraulic system existed in the machine, mowing at any angle can be achieved.
Rotary Hoeing Cultivator
Sickle Bar Bower
Sickle bar mower is a three-point linkage mower that attached to the lower links and to the upper link bracket of the tractor. The blade is moved by three V-belts which will slide if a solid obstruction enters to the cutter bar causing the clogging of the blade. The crank shaft and blade are dynamically balanced, thus ensuring a smooth and quiet running of the machine.
The movement device permits the cutter bar to operate at wide slope angle. The cutter bar is equipped with an automatic brake system which enables to rebound in case of coming across with an obstruction. Attaching of the machine to the tractor can be easily done by driving the tractor to the back.
Spring Chisel
The subsoiler is a tool for working the soil which ensures the breaking, loosening and drainage of the base stone. Thanks to the hole on the feet, the soil is worked at 5 different depths. The subsoiler combines a rotary harrow with a hydraulic piston in the transport position to facilitate movement.
Traditional Plow
The heavy moldboard plow is made from a blade frame with optional 2-3-4-5-6 holes in widths of 11-12-13-14-16 inches. Our plows are made of quality materials and have a long service life. The suspension system of the truck complies with international standarts and can be connected to any type of tractor. Thanks to the special spring relief mechanisms placed on each body, the plow cannot be damaged by getting rid of all kinds of obstacles on stony ground. The machine is economical in terms of time and fuel.
Trailed Type Spraying Machine with Arm
It is an easily adjustable and useful machine. It is a machine with high work efficiency. Our warehouses are produced from polyester against the negative effects of pesticides. The water filter can be cleaned easily. The hydraulic mixing system mixes the drug with water homogeneously.