The subsoiler is a tool for working the soil which ensures the breaking, loosening and drainage of the base stone. Thanks to the hole on the feet, the soil is worked at 5 different depths. The subsoiler combines a rotary harrow with a hydraulic piston in the transport position to facilitate movement.
PTO Tractor Powered auger conveyor is used for grains (wheat, barley, corn etc.) We have two options with these conveyors. Options depend on capacity, maximum conveying high levels. First option on capacity we have 2 products. The diameter of pipe is starting 168mm-192mm. Second option on maximum conveying high level we have products as well. The conveyor length is starting 8-10 meters. Conveyor height can be adjustable by manually steel rope system.
The heavy moldboard plow is made from a blade frame with optional 2-3-4-5-6 holes in widths of 11-12-13-14-16 inches. Our plows are made of quality materials and have a long service life. The suspension system of the truck complies with international standarts and can be connected to any type of tractor. Thanks to the special spring relief mechanisms placed on each body, the plow cannot be damaged by getting rid of all kinds of obstacles on stony ground. The machine is economical in terms of time and fuel.
Heavy type Wide Offset Disc Harrows are trailed type on two wheel. It can be easily transported to field. Trailed type wide offset disc harrow
moved by hydraulic system for transport and deepth adjustment. Light type Wide Trailed off set disc harrow with hydraulic lifting system is used for breaking clods and mixing soils to make seed bed. Also it can be used for chopping of weeds and stems, breaking of plant stubbles (such as sunflower, maize, cotton, wheat and etc.) mixing with soil after harvesting and it help to obtaine a kind of organic fertilizer.
This kind of disc harrow can work very easily in wet soils and according to the soil conditions it can be used instead of plough. Battery angle can be arranged till 20-22 degree. Tires moved standard level and easily adjusted the working depth by means of the axle mechanism on the tire. It provides the wheel to move on field level by the axle mechanism on the wheel and thereby working depth may be adjusted efficiently.
It has been used house bearings with conical bearings one side and ball bearing other side with high quality seals. It can be greaseable.
It is connected to the tractor by the drawbar. The pressure required for spraying is provided by hydraulic membrane pumps. The pump takes its movement from the tractor PTO. Comet brand pumps are used as standard. A fiberglass (reinforced) or polyethylene tank is used as a spraying tank. The turbo fan on the machine provides compressed air to its surroundings with its propeller, which takes its movement from the tractor’s spindle.
It is an easily adjustable and useful machine. It is a machine with high work efficiency. Our warehouses are produced from polyester against the negative effects of pesticides. The water filter can be cleaned easily. The hydraulic mixing system mixes the drug with water homogeneously.
Graded Augers) can be used for grain, sunflower, beans, etc. Loading and unloading operations of pulses products are also used for granular materials (plastic raw materials, cement, etc.) products with a geared motor. Stepped augers are preferred for long distance and higher loading. It takes motion from the electric motor by means of a belt pulley. There are 2 main types according to the stepped auger capacity and loading height. It is manufactured in 2 models with a pipe diameter of 168-192 mm according to its capacity. It is manufactured in 2 models as 15 -17 meters according to the loading height. The loading height can be adjusted with the pulley rope system.
Combined seed drill is a sowing machine that transfers the seed, pulses, feed grains and fertilizer to the seed bed opened by the discs continuously, thanks to the helical sheaves, with the requested quantity and depth with the help of levelling system. Thanks to its structure, the hopper prevents seed and fertilizer to accumulate and therefore, an efficient seeding is performed by protecting bearing with the dusting system using dry system double bearings on the discs and by automatic or hydraulic disc penetration setting, which is performed optionally, that allows easy planting of the seed or fertilizer into the requested depth and it is easy to clean thanks to its discharging levers on each hopper. Besides these standard features of our combined grain seeder, both three-point hitch and arrow system are its standard specifications. It is suitable for planting, seeding and operation with a tractor on all types of soil conditions.
The precision pneumatic seeder is specially designed for small seeds that are difficult to plant: onion, parsley,lettuce, dill, celery, asparagus, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, chili,okra, peas, soybeans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, poet’s carnation, chrysanthemum, mustard, saffron, etc. The seeds are sown with a high degree of performance and sensitivity.
This type of model can be produced in 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 legs. It is used for tearing up the soil, emboss and aerate it, breaking up soil clods, cutting alien meadows and pull up its roots to surface, mixing the seeds and mineral manures which were thrown to soil surface, and hoeing the rows of plants when the required settlements are made. It can provide more savings and will survive for many years. Cultivator keeps the moisture soil for it does not process the soil by overturning and it hoes rows adjusting the changeable tines distances. For preparing the soil for the sowing process single or double row roll also could be attachable at the back of the machine for making the soil plain. Duck foot point and narrow type end iron can be attachable as optional.